
Welcome to our 5th grade classroom! Follow our class as we embark on our learning adventures. We will be exploring many topics through project based learning.

Thank you,
Mr. V

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Showa Students' Visit and Building Bridges

Showa Students' Visit
We went to the entrance of the school and waited for the Showa students (Japanese college students).  Together we did origami (like Picachoo, cranes, and paper airplanes), asked each other questions (like "What's your name?" "What is your talent?" "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"), took a tour of the inside and outside of the school, and talked about other topics.  They visited because they wanted to learn about English students, and we wanted to meet them so that we could learn more about Japan.  We look forward to them returning in a few months.

Building Bridges
In Science class, we had drawn designs for bridges.  Then we started building them with hot glue and popsicle sticks.  During the building stage, we thought of ways to make the bridges stronger, like gluing sticks on top and bottom of the bridge.  Next week, we will test the bridges to determine how much weight each bridge will hold before it breaks.  Below are some pictures of us building the bridges.


  1. I am very imprest with how they maked these bidges and I am hoping to see you test the bridges .....:-)

  2. The bridges look great and very creative. I am curious to see how much weight they will hold.

  3. When Mr V was very small we built a bridge to our house. The bridge had 3 steel pipes across the 15 foot span and then oak boards across the pipes. It held a car or pickup truck. It broke when a drilling rig went across. It floated away with a big flood. Ask Mr. V
