
Welcome to our 5th grade classroom! Follow our class as we embark on our learning adventures. We will be exploring many topics through project based learning.

Thank you,
Mr. V

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tone of voice

Today we discussed tone of voice.  To do this, we made a poster of different feelings people have.  Then we acted feelings out by saying, "Hey you" with different emotions, like anger, sadness, and boredom.  The purpose of this activities was to practice our tone of voice with people.   Sometimes when we ask for something, we say it in a mean way instead of in a nice way because of our tone of voice.  Then it hurts people's feelings.  This game, though, made people laugh so hard that their lungs and cheeks were hurting.


  1. I find that texting or emailing is tough because people don't hear my tone of voice. It's often misinterpreted

  2. good afternoon how about if you send a person a text and you were just joking with that person and they think you said it in a bad tone
