
Welcome to our 5th grade classroom! Follow our class as we embark on our learning adventures. We will be exploring many topics through project based learning.

Thank you,
Mr. V

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Sorry of the long delay in our last entry, but I wanted to share some exciting work that my students have been doing around metaphors.

We recently took our reading comprehension mid-year assessment, and the results showed that we needed to work on our understanding of figurative language.  Thus, we're exploring metaphors.

To begin the unit, we briefly discussed the definition of metaphor, and we looked at examples of metaphors for life.  We then made our own metaphors for life with illustrations.  Some examples follow.  (By the way, we would be interested in your metaphors for life.)

We then read some poems and discussed how the authors used metaphors to explain their ideas about the subjects to the audience.  Below are the poems and some illustrations explaining the metaphors.

Hope     by Emily Dickenson

Hope is the thing with feathers 
That perches in the soul, 
And sings the tune--without the words, 
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard; 
And sore must be the storm 
That could abash the little bird 
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land, 
And on the strangest sea; 
Yet, never, in extremity, 
It asked a crumb of me.

The Sea

The sea is a hungry dog,
Giant and grey.
He rolls on the beach all day.
With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws
Hour upon hour he gnaws
The rumbling, tumbling stones,
And 'Bones, bones, bones, bones!'
The giant sea-dog moans,
Licking his greasy paws.

And when the night wind roars
And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud,
He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs,
Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs,
And howls and hollos long and loud.

But on quiet days in May or June,
When even the grasses on the dune
Play no more their reedy tune,
With his head between his paws
He lies on the sandy shores,
So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.

—James Reeves

1 comment:

  1. Life is a Bowl of Cherries
    Lyrics by George Gershwin
    People are queer, they're always crowing, scrambling and rushing about;
    Why don't they stop someday, address themselves this way?
    Why are we here? Where are we going? It's time that we found out.
    We're not here to stay; we're on a short holiday.

    Life is just a bowl of cherries.
    Don't take it serious; life's so mysterious.
    You work, you save, you worry so,
    But you can't take your dough when you go, go, go.
    So keep repeating it's the berries,
    The strongest oak must fall,
    The sweet things in life, to you were just loaned
    So how can you lose what you've never owned?
    Life is just a bowl of cherries,
    So live and laugh at it all.

    Life is just a bowl of cherries.
    Don't take it serious; it's too mysterious.
    At eight each morning I have got a date,
    To take my plunge 'round the Empire State.
    You'll admit it's not the berries,
    In a building that's so tall;
    There's a guy in the show, the girls love to kiss;
    Get thousands a week just for crooning like this:
    Life is just a bowl of . . . aw, nuts!
    So live and laugh at it all!
